Welcome to the Edinburgh Museum of Plagues and Pandemics!
The Edinburgh Museum of Plagues and Pandemics features in Death at the Plague Museum, a thriller set in an Edinburgh which has been beset by a killer Virus. Sadly, there is no such museum in real life.
However, there are plenty of other Museums in Edinburgh with exciting exhibits about plagues and pandemics….
Chapter One
Chickens and other birds can be a resevoir for viruses – such as Avian Flu. This splendid specimen is in the Natural World collection at the National Museum of Scotland.
For more information click HERE
Chapter Two
During the Black Death people carried posies of herbs to ward off the illness. The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh has many fine examples of herbs suitable for keeping the plague at bay.
For more information click HERE
Chapter Three
Chimpanzees have been implicated in a number of pandemics… this chap can be seen in the Mammals collection at the National Museum of Scotland.
For more information click HERE
Chapter Four
Doctors used masks like this to try to protect themselves from the plague. Surgeon’s Hall Museum has many items from the history of medicine.
For more information click HERE
Chapter Five
There has been widespread coverage of pandemics in the national press – like this one on Spanish flu. The National Library of Scotland has an archive of Scottish newspapers.
For more information click HERE
The National Library also ran a fabulous exhibition about Plagues. More information HERE